Types of Submission Mandatories
Document Examples
- Contractual documents; for example:
- Signed offers that bind the bidder to deliver what has been proposed, if accepted
- Documents indicating the authority of the person signing
- Joint venture agreements
- Certifications; for example:
- Federal Employment Equity registration number
- Validity of resumes
- Acknowledgement of all amendments
- Financial documents:
- Financial statements
- Letters from banks and insurers
- Bonds from insurers
Condition Examples
- On-time submission at the designated location, in accordance with packaging and labelling instructions
- Separation of technical and financial content as specified
- Submission of a “complete” bid; that is, one that bids on all desired products and services and/or that includes all required proposal sections, copies, and media formats
- Attendance at mandatory meetings or events for bidders during the response period
What’s required in *your* proposal?
I don’t know. Read the RFP.
Proven Process for Managing Submission Mandatories
Goal: Make process reliability obvious.
Process: One does, one checks.
Standards for the Identification Stage
- Scope: Search the entire RFP (including the SOW), not just the response instructions.
- Independence and standardization: Develop independent lists that record RFP reference, page number, and requirement (so they can be confirmed quickly), and how and where (in the proposal) they are to be submitted.
- Completeness: Compare the lists and repeat as needed to get a comprehensive master list.
Standards for the Execution Stage
- Assign someone with domain knowledge to get the right document or to complete the document right, as the case may be.
- Assign some knowledgeable and picky someone to confirm stuff as it comes in, or to bounce it if necessary. In sufficient time to recover.