RFP Responses for Small Business – Step Four
Step 4 of a four-step action plan for small businesses to win more government and corporate contracts by responding to RFPs. This step focuses on continual improvement.
Win more government and competitive contracts by using project management principles. Schedule proposal efforts and staff proposal teams for on-time delivery of compliant and high-scoring bids. Avoid version control problems and staff burnout.
Step 4 of a four-step action plan for small businesses to win more government and corporate contracts by responding to RFPs. This step focuses on continual improvement.
Step 3 of a four-step action plan for small businesses to win more government and corporate businesses by responding to RFPs. This step identifies the six key success factors in successful bids.
Step 2 of a four-step action plan for small businesses to win government and corporate contracts by responding to RFPs. This step focuses on 6 questions to ask to vet an opportunity before bidding.
Step 1 of a four-step action plan for small businesses to win government and corporate contracts by responding to RFPs. This step focuses on identifying opportunities.
The three “Ps” of selling – persistent, patient, and personal – can be seen as four, with the fourth being not to take the failures personally. These principles apply equally well to bidding on RFPs.