Signs of Overload
Proposal team members exhibit the effects of stress in different ways: some get cranky, and some get silly. As a proposal manager, use all the cues you get to identify when your team is in trouble.
Win more government and competitive contracts by using project management principles. Schedule proposal efforts and staff proposal teams for on-time delivery of compliant and high-scoring bids. Avoid version control problems and staff burnout.
Proposal team members exhibit the effects of stress in different ways: some get cranky, and some get silly. As a proposal manager, use all the cues you get to identify when your team is in trouble.
Writing good RFP responses is iterative: get the content, get it clear, and then look for successively better ways to make it “pop.” Allow time for this process in your schedule.
Managing standards is an essential element in project management of RFP responses: doing more than “good enough” or “professional enough” is neither good nor professional.
Teamwork is explicitly fostered in some environments (military colleges among them) offering new perspective son how to leverage teamwork on RFP responses.
Deadlines are the voice of reason in proposal management – helping us focus on what matters above all: on-time delivery.