Many proposal writers start here . . .
Isabel is a uniquely well-qualified, world-class proposal editor. Her deep intimacy with all imaginable types of proposals ensures that she can leverage her wealth of knowledge and vast experience, using leading-edge best-of-breed practices. An unparalleled career of in-depth exposure to innumerable incoherent RFPs makes her the very best at discerning the intent hiding within the most obtuse instructions.
Too many end there also. Blah blah blah. And bleh.
Contrast that with this . . .
Since 1990, Isabel has edited more than 100 proposals in diverse sectors: defence, oil and gas, telecommunications, recruitment, relocation services, facilities and property management, and design-build. She has guided responses to RFPs from diverse clients: government (Canadian federal, provincial, municipal; and US federal and state); near-government (Crown corporations, agencies); and the private sector. Her win rate of 1/3 exceeds the industry average of 1/5; she has contributed to winning contracts worth more than $8 billion. She has never missed a deadline or strangled a team member.
Now we’re getting closer. Because once you actually have some facts to work with, you can consider other presentation formats: One that might actually highlight content that’s missing . . .
Number of proposals: >100 since 1990
Win rate: 1/3 (versus 1/5 industry average)
Value of wins: >$8 billion
RFP issuers: Government (Canada, USA), near-government, private
RFP types: missing
Sectors: oil & gas, telecom, facilities maintenance, operation & maintenance, design-build
Teams: 5 to 75 people
Deadlines met: 100%
Team members strangled: 0
Where you stop is up to you. But as a good rule of thumb, don’t stop where you started.