Proposal Land

Better RFP Responses & Management
Proposal Land

Term: Best Value

An evaluation methodology that purports to assign technical and financial scores independently of each other, and then to calculate some version of “price per point” to identify the bidder submitting the best-value proposal. In government contracting, often seems to devolve to low-price compliant. Difficult to bid, as the incremental point value of extra capability (and its associated cost) is often unclear or muted by the averaging effect inherent in group evaluations.

What Contractors Want from Technical Authorities – Part 6

Foster your procurement agency relationships. In Canada, both federally and provincially/territorially, that usually means connecting with centralized agency contracting officers and it may also involve working with departmental or ministry contracting experts. Just as you know the technical domain, these folks know the contracting domain, which is largely about process. Working together, you’ll get the best outcome possible:

  • A technically sound solution
  • A good price
  • A procurement that complies with government policies and regulations
  • An ongoing, productive, mutually beneficial relationship with industry

Tasked as Technical Authority on an RFP? Never done it before? Done it before but not entirely happy with how it turned out? This is one of six posts on what contractors hope you do in that position, but are reluctant to tell you to your face.

What Contractors Want from Technical Authorities – Part 5

Foster affordable competition. For services contracting, consider using a simpler model, more akin to construction tenders or to the Request for Quote (or Price and Availability) used for off-the-shelf commercial products than to the approach usually required for system procurement. If you want to specify the services solution in detail (and can accept the performance risk inherent in doing that), then just ask for staffing plans and pricing, rather than for a full-blown proposal. The lower cost to industry of responding to a scaled-back RFP should increase participation and focus bidder attention squarely where you want it: on the cost.

Tasked as Technical Authority on an RFP? Never done it before? Done it before but not entirely happy with how it turned out? This is one of six posts on what contractors hope you do in that position, but are reluctant to tell you to your face.

What Contractors Want from Technical Authorities – Part 4

Foster innovative competition. Include some industry experts on the evaluation team and make it known that you’re doing that: folks who are independent both of Government and of any bidder. Sometimes the senior folks want innovation but the junior folks (who sit on evaluation teams) distrust anything that looks new, anything that’s different from established practices. Outside experts can help to push back against this inertia.

Tasked as Technical Authority on an RFP? Never done it before? Done it before but not entirely happy with how it turned out? This is one of six posts on what contractors hope you do in that position, but are reluctant to tell you to your face.

What Contractors Want from Technical Authorities – Part 3

Foster strong competition, especially on rebids:

  • Identify someone independent but knowledgeable to review the statement of work (SOW) for big things that favour the incumbent.
  • Make sure that the incumbent supplies any needed information before you issue the RFP. That includes anything they’re required to provide as a deliverable under the current contract (volume data and cost reports especially). Don’t let them hide deliverables behind the “proprietary” wall.

Tasked as Technical Authority on an RFP? Never done it before? Done it before but not entirely happy with how it turned out? This is one of six posts on what contractors hope you do in that position, but are reluctant to tell you to your face.