Shorthand for proposal. Refers to both the document submitted and the process to develop it.
Term: Addendum
Supplemental information issued by the client during the response period. May include answers to questions submitted as well as changes to any RFP articles (for example, draft contract, response instructions, statement of work). See amendment.
The Fourth-most Important Thing in RFP Responses
Having a good price — often, the lowest price — is the fourth-most important thing in winning bids.
“What?!?” you (or your sales manager) cry. “Price can’t be fourth.” Continue reading“The Fourth-most Important Thing in RFP Responses”
Term: Statement of Work (et al)
This is a bit muddled, but the basics are clear enough: clients write “statements” that describe what they want (that is, the Work). These more-or-less comprehensive lists of what the client wants to contract for (services, products, data, reports, processes, standards) range from high-level, conceptual documents down to highly detailed specifications. Continue reading“Term: Statement of Work (et al)”
A Proposal Management Lesson from Software Development
Today’s Medium compilation in my inbox brings an interesting article on the #NoEstimates movement in software development. It’s a tough bind: the features are fixed and they have to define (and then live or die by) the schedule. I empathize, sort of. Continue reading“A Proposal Management Lesson from Software Development”