Proposal Land

Better RFP Responses & Management
Proposal Land

Detached and Yet Committed

Oh yes. What Seth said, about detachment and commitment. This, and more:

Emotional detachment helps us remember that we are not our work,
and that feedback is useful, not an attack.
Commitment permits us to keep going
(especially when we’re asked to provide more effort than we planned).

For every proposal team member who has ever held back their section because it “wasn’t ready” for review . . .

You are not your work.
Feedback is useful, not an attack.

For every proposal team member who has ever resented the seemingly endless “asks” but carried on regardless . . .

Some see your professionalism
and those few sometimes remember to honour it.
(But mostly not.)

And with those two categories I expect I’ve covered every proposal team member ever.

Twice over.

Zen in Proposal Land

Getting better at proposals can seem like a daunting task, yeah? I know whereof you speak.

But here’s the thing with all daunts: Just start.

Zen says so, if I substitute “better” for “happier” and who would not?

Too busy to read it? Here’s the summary.

Start very small.
Do only one change at a time.
Be present and enjoy the activity (don’t focus on results).
Be grateful for every step you take.

Turns out Zen had more than one lesson to teach me.


Every Bloody Rake

As someone who spent a career in the bowels (and yes, the image that brings to mind is exactly right) of the procurement machine on the corporate side, I think this is an interesting albeit discouraging take on Canada’s system of military procurement.

Fighter jet procurement in this country is so fraught it once caused the birth of a new political party. Trying to buy helicopters helped bring down a government. We only successfully bought those helicopters after they became a greater danger to the personnel manning them than they were to any potential adversary. We have been running a procurement for the next generation of fighter jets for an entire generation. Even Yes, Minister writers would have given up on something that absurd.

Our submarine fleet seems to be almost permanently in dry dock. Our most recent ship procurement resulted in the absolutely monstrous prosecution of one of the country’s most accomplished military leaders.

And we just issued a revised bid to finally replace our Second World War-era pistols … last week.

Just cataloguing that level of incompetence is exhausting. No leader or party looks good. The civil service, as the one constant through all these cartoonish blunders, surely has to wear some of this, too. The fact that we seem to repeat the same mistakes can, at least in part, be attributed to a significant institutional memory failure on the part of the people trusted with having the institutional memory.

Now, it is worth noting in fairness that no nation has an easy time with large scale military procurement. Ask the Americans about the development of the V-22 sometime. But, still, no nation has mastered the ability to step on every bloody rake quite as well as Canada.

For similar rants, check out Matt Gurney in the National Post or on Substack. I think you’d be hard pressed to find any knowledgeable commentator with much good to say about the system.

The challenge, for government, companies selling to government, and citizens dagnab it, is to figure out how to do better.